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Introduction to Creative Writing (202-0-20)


Surya Milner

Meeting Info

University Hall 418: Wed, Fri 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

This course will introduce students to the major elements and tools of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction writing. Through exercises and projects, you'll practice using these tools to produce original, exciting works of literary art. Along the way, you'll sharpen your ability to track these elements both in published texts and in the work of your classmates, and further develop how you measure aesthetic value. You'll be encouraged to see yourself as an active member of a community of artists, and to establish a regular discipline as a working writer. Writing and reading will be due in nearly every class, and peer workshop will play an important role in learning to see your work more objectively.

Evaluation Method

Evaluation of a final portfolio.

Class Materials (Required)

A course reader.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Freshmen