Industrial Economics (349-0-20)
Igal E Hendel
Meeting Info
Technological Institute L361: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM
Overview of class
The course studies non-competitive markets, both monopolistic behavior as well as strategic firm behavior in markets with few competitors (oligopoly). Examples of topics include: mergers, price discrimination, durable goods, product differentiation, entry, collusion and strategic behavior.
Registration Requirements
ECON 310-1, ECON 310-2
Learning Objectives
Develop tools to analyse markets and competitive strategies
Class Notes
Most of your work will be problem solving, rather than readings
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Students must have taken ECON 310-1 or MMSS 211-1 and ECON 281 or ECON 381-1 or MATH 386-1 or IEMS 304 or STAT 350 to successfully enroll in this course.
Associated Classes
DIS - Technological Institute L361: Fri 3:00PM - 3:50PM