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Petrology: Evolution of Crustal and Mantle Rocks (301-0-01)


Craig R Bina

Meeting Info

Technological Institute F391: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

This course explores the origin, composition, and classification of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, application of laboratory characterization and basic thermodynamics to interpreting observed rock textures and mineral assemblages in terms of geological processes. Some prior familiarity with the basics of rock-forming minerals will be helpful. Lab Section required.

Registration Requirements

Pre-requisite: At least one prior Earth science course or permission of instructor

Learning Objectives

Students will become proficient with optical microscopes, employing polarized light to identify primary and accessory minerals, and examine crystalline textures to deduce the geologic setting of rock formation.

Class Materials (Required)

1. B.R. Frost and C.D. Frost, Essentials of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, 2nd edition, 2019, Cambridge, ISBN 9781108710589. (1st edition is also acceptable, ISBN: 9781107696297.)

2.W.S. MacKenzie, A.E. Adams, and K.H. Brodie, A Color Atlas of Rocks and Minerals in Thin Section, 2017, CRC Press, ISBN:9781138028067 (1st edition is also acceptable, ISBN: 9780470233382.)

3. Several pages of additional material will be made available from H. Blatt, R.J. Tracy, and B.E. Owens, Petrology [2006], a classic, advanced, comprehensive textbook.

4. Mead Composition Notebook, or similar Lab notebook.

Class Notes

The course may also link to an optional four- or five-day geological field trip to northern Michigan over Memorial Day weekend.

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Distro Area
Prerequisites apply, see description

Associated Classes

LAB - Technological Institute F391: Wed 11:00AM - 12:50PM

LAB - Technological Institute F391: Wed 2:00PM - 3:50PM