Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab (235-3-01)
Derek Ward Nelson
Meeting Info
Tech Institute Lecture Room 2: Fri 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Overview of class
Current laboratory practices for organic synthesis will be introduced. Reactions will include mechanistically complex multi-step process for the preparation of compounds related to topical themes from academic research and industrial chemistry. Synthetic targets will include complex small molecules, polymers, and molecules of biological relevance.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 215-2 and in CHEM 235-2.
Must be taken concurrently with CHEM 215-3 or 212-3.
Class Materials (Required)
Lab coats, which will be provided at no cost to students.
Goggles, which were provided to students in CHEM 235-1.
Class Notes
This course will never completely close. If you can't register for the open sections, or if all sections have closed, please fill out this form:
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Pre-Requisite: Students must have completed CHEM 215-2 and CHEM 235-2 with a minimum of C-, or be currently enrolled in CHEM 215-2 and 235-2 to register for this course.
Associated Classes
LAB - Technological Institute D220: Wed 2:00PM - 6:00PM
LAB - Technological Institute D220: Thurs 2:00PM - 6:00PM