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Biostatistics (337-0-1)


Joseph S Walsh
Hogan Hall, Room 6-110A

Meeting Info

Tech Institute Lecture Room 4: Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

This is a statistics class geared toward students interested in biology, ecology, and environmental science, but others are welcome. The course is applied statistics, with the goal of students taking the perspective, skills, and software learned in class to problems outside of class. We will use a variety of software for statistical analyses, including spreadsheets (Excel or Google Sheets), online calculators, and the R package. R in particular is a very flexible and powerful program that you can use for any statistical problem you encounter. R is free, well-supported, well-documented, and constantly improving.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisites: BIOL_SCI 201-0 or ENVR_SCI 202-0; MATH 220-2.

Learning Objectives

Students who complete this class successfully should be able to recognize and execute appropriate statistical tests for a variety of biological data.

Teaching Method

Two lectures per week

Evaluation Method

Weekly problem sets and a final project.

Class Materials (Required)

A laptop; the required text is, Whitlock & Schluter, 2020, The Analysis of Biological Data, 3rd ed. (or 1st or 2nd edition).

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: BIOL_SCI 201-0 or ENVR_SCI 202-0; MATH 220-2.