Spring Flora (336-0-20)
Nyree J C Zerega
Hogan Hall, 6-140a, 2205 Tech Drive
Meeting Info
Technological Institute LG52: Mon 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Spring Flora merges aspects of plant evolution and identification (with an emphasis on learning about the local flora) with plant ecology (with an emphasis on ecological interactions and adaptations). This course takes a field-based approach to learning the process of identifying major components of the local flora. Understanding vegetative and reproductive structures of plants, and use of this knowledge to identify plants with taxonomic keys will be emphasized. Ecological interactions, adaptations, and related conservation issues will also be discussed. The lecture portion of the course will take place on the Evanston campus on Mondays. On Wednesdays, the field component will take place at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The instructor will reach out to all enrolled students ahead of time to organize transportation options (transportation will be made available to those who need it. Note that the time scheduled for the course DOES NOT INCLUDE transportation time, so 30-45 minutes should be budgeted before and after class on Wednesday for transportation.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite: Bio 203, 339, 341, 342, 346, 347, 349, 350; or Env Sci 202, or permission of instructor
Teaching Method
Lecture on Monday at Northwestern, and outdoor field study on Wednesday at either Northwestern (early in the quarter) or the Chicago Botanic Garden (later in the quarter). Travel time to Chicago Botanic Garden is not included in class time, so allow 45 minutes before and after class for travel.
Evaluation Method
lecture on Monday at Northwestern, and outdoor field study on Wednesday at either Northwestern (early in the quarter) or the Chicago Botanic Garden (later in the quarter). Travel time to Chicago Botanic Garden is not included in class time, so allow 45 minutes before and after class for travel.
Class Materials (Required)
10x to 20x Magnification Loupe. Here are a number of examples:, like ones shown here:
• https://www.amazon.com/SE-10x-Illuminated-Jewelers-Loupe/dp/B00OZOGDNU/ref=dp_prsubs_1?pd_rd_w=TDJEn&content-id=amzn1.sym.db26482d-f2e6-4f69-a20a-6ff6cd9fa602&pf_rd_p=db26482d-f2e6-4f69-a20a-6ff6cd9fa602&pf_rd_r=ANXEDN0K4027RKSAXHMJ&pd_rd_wg=D4ha2&pd_rd_r=46a3a12c-f4b9-443c-a66d-c169877cb076&pd_rd_i=B00OZOGDNU&psc=1
• https://www.amazon.com/JPLC2-10X-10X-PRINTERS-POCKET-MADE/dp/B071NGSHHR/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2B1SWU984NF2M&keywords=loupe+10x+made+in+usa&qid=1674682681&sprefix=loupe+10x+made+in+usa%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-3
• https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EXPWU8S?tag=intergemsocie-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1
• https://www.forestry-suppliers.com/p/61130/31940/donegan-optical-loupe-magnifier
Plant Dissection kit, similar to the one shown here:
A field notebook. Any book that you feel comfortable bringing in the field to make notes and make sketches.
Book. TBD
Class Attributes
Prerequisites apply, see description
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed or are currently enrolled in BIOL_SCI 215 or BIOL_SCI 240 or ENVR_SCI 202 to register for this course.
Associated Classes
LAB - Botanic Garden - Glencoe, IL: Wed 10:00AM - 12:50PM