Undergraduate Seminar (390-0-1)
Whose Renaissance?
Jesus R Escobar
Kresge 4321
Office Hours: W 3-4pm; R 3:30-4:30pm
Meeting Info
Kresge 4354 Art Hist. Sem. Rm.: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
This seminar will explore the topic of Renaissance art and its prominent place in the study of art history. We will examine art produced in the sixteenth century across the globe, both in relation to European developments as well as independent of them. Students interested in the seminar should have some prior knowledge of early modern art history and be ready to address questions such as the following: How far away from Michelangelo could an artist live and still be part of a tradition labeled Renaissance? What if a sixteenth-century artist residing in Peru or the Kongo never set foot in Europe and yet produced works that could be considered European? Whose Renaissance is art history speaking of when it uses the term?
Active participation in seminar, including writing weekly responses to readings, will count for 40% of the course grade. The remaining 60% will be determined by a multi-part research paper project and an oral presentation of work in progress. Participants should plan on two Friday afternoon meetings (dates TBD) in Chicago, one at the Newberry Library and another at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Class Materials (Required)
Course readings will be available on Canvas.