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Introduction to International Relations (240-CN-62)


Nathalia Justo

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-425: Mon 6:15PM - 9:15PM

Overview of class

What is international politics and how it has been involved in shaping and transforming the world? This course gives students historical, theoretical, and practical insertions into international relations as conceptualized by scholars, state officials, and activists in various political contexts. We discuss the main concepts of different areas within the international relations field such as power, sovereignty, law, political economy, institutions, and security through thematic discussions on war and peace; financial crises; digital technologies: climate change; immigration; human rights; race, colonialism, and empire; religion; and gender. The course schedule includes readings, podcasts, news, and policies. Students will be encouraged to explore and develop their own perspectives in engagement with others through participation in discussions, and written assignments.