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Advanced Stage Directing 04A45 (311-0-20)


Katherine Theresa Lupica

Meeting Info

Wirtz 235 Seminar Room 1: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

What does it mean to "think eventfully"? This is a term coined by script analysis scholar James Thomas to describe the essential building blocks of theatrical texts. As directors, it is essential that we understand not only what an Event is within a scene or play, but also have tools to try to make them really happen. This course aims to zoom in on this vital building-block and give students a greater sense of what Events are, how to locate and troubleshoot them, and how to evaluate whether they are "happening" or not in their own and each other's work. Coursework will include readings, journals, text analysis, non-text-based projects, in-class and out-of-class rehearsal, peer feedback, and class discussion. We will eventually work on scenes from plays of the students' choosing to isolate major Events and experiment in how, through rehearsal and performance tactics, to bring them tangibly to life. This course is for students who have taken Fundamentals of Directing who want to develop greater mastery of the craft and an adaptable process that they can take into any rehearsal room. Please note the class meets twice a week for 1 hour and 50 minutes in order to maximize in-class practical work.

Class Materials (Required)

$50 for theatre-making materials.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-Req: Theatre 211
Add Consent: Instructor Consent Required