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Intro to Acting for the Screen (376-0-20)


Janelle Snow

Meeting Info

Wirtz 215 Instruct Black Box 3: Tues 12:00PM - 2:50PM

Overview of class

This lab-oriented course will address practices for acting on camera, as well as the more technical concerns of how actors place themselves in relationship to the camera for the most effective appearance onscreen. Prioritizing hands-on work, both in and out of class, and placing special emphasis on the actor-director relationship, you will perform in and direct a number of exercises to build acting skills in front of and behind the camera, in projects designed to focus on cinematic storytelling achieved primarily through performance.

Registration Requirements

Permission number required. Please email the instructor at janelle [at] janellesnow [dot] com and include in your message the quarters in which you completed RTVF 190 and your prerequisite acting class--either THEATRE 171-0 or THEATRE 273-1.

Learning Objectives

Students will practice at basic screen-acting tasks and at various styles of screen acting, including improvisatory techniques. Students will develop skills in scene analysis attuned to casting and shooting practices for work onscreen and different kinds of preparation necessary for different screen directorial styles (for example, differences in rehearsal methods, or whether rehearsal is used at all). :

Teaching Method

Through in-class exercises and shooting projects outside class, we will address the relationship between camera and performer in different modes of shooting, including the self-taped audition. Students will apply basic dramatic principles of scene analysis to both performance and strategies for camera placement and cutting in screen storytelling. Students will critique their own and one another's work on class exercises, describe their own experiences performing, and engage in discussion of concepts and methods introduced and demonstrated through readings and viewings.

Evaluation Method

Completion of both in-class and out-of-class assignments, with extra emphasis on class participation in discussion and collaboration with one another on exercises.

Class Materials (Required)

Course readings and viewings will be provided via PDF on Canvas. No purchase of additional supplies is required to complete class projects.

Class Notes

Intro to Acting for Screen (cross-listed with THEATRE 376-0)