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Introduction to Acting for the Screen (368-1-20)


Janelle Snow

Meeting Info

Wirtz 215 Instruct Black Box 3: Tues 12:00PM - 2:50PM

Overview of class

This course will introduce RTVF and Theatre students
to the craft of acting for the screen. With an emphasis on the actor/director
relationship, it will address practices for creating and portraying characters as
well as the more technical concerns of how actors place themselves in
relationship to the camera for the most effective appearance onscreen. Students
in this course will perform in (and, in some cases, direct) a number of exercises
to build acting skills in front of the camera, in projects - both in-class and out-ofclass
- designed to focus on cinematic storytelling achieved primarily through
performance rather than through directorial technique, cinematography, editing,
and sound design.

Registration Requirements

Permission number required. Please email the instructor at janelle [at] janellesnow [dot] com and include in your message the quarters in which you completed RTVF 190 and your prerequisite acting class--either THEATRE 171-0 or THEATRE 273-1.

Learning Objectives

Students will develop a working knowledge of screen acting techniques, on-set protocol, and industry tips.

Teaching Method

In-class recording exercises, including prepared and improvised scenes on camera, viewing of submitted self taped recording, discussion, and lecture.

Evaluation Method

Students will be assessed based on their participation in class exercises, completion of reading, filming, and viewing assignments, engagement in class discussion, and constructive critique.

Class Materials (Required)

Although no textbooks are assigned, students will
receive electronic reading assignments and may be asked to use their phone as
a recording device.