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Topics in Interactive Media (376-0-21)


Alternate and Virtual Reality Storytelling


Ozge Samanci
AMS 213

Meeting Info

Louis Hall 118: Mon 10:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

In this course, we will merge virtual and physical worlds and we will design fiction or non-fiction storytelling, game, art pieces that create or benefit from virtual reality, alternate and fragmented reality.

VR offers a spherical visual and audio sensorium and consequently an uninterrupted and deep possibility for immersion; players' physical actions have corresponding outcomes in the virtual world; surprises or dramatic outcomes can be embedded outside the peripheral vision of the player; player's point of view is the camera which can move anywhere freely; 360-degree large scale environments can be created and experienced cost and risk free. All these qualities offer a vast set of expressive opportunities that can contribute to constructive social change.

This production class will include tutorials about QR codes, Virtual Reality (360 filming and editing for VR, WebVR, HTC Vive and Unity), media art installations. In addition to these tools, participants can use any existing low or high technology such as USPS mail system, email, augmented reality apps, SMS, tattoo and t-shirt design, Morse code, Skype, Google image search, sound recordings, Siri, film and video, photographs, music, flash mobs, etc. Class participants will design a short virtual, alternate, or fragmented reality experience that purposefully blurs reality and fiction and narrates a story.

Participants may choose to collaborate for their Final Project. No coding skills are needed.

Registration Requirements: junior sophomore senior and graduate students can take this course. RTVF students have the prerequisite of RTVF 190. No prerequisite is required for non-RTVF students.

Learning Objectives

This production class will include tutorials about QR codes, Virtual Reality (360 filming and editing for VR, WebVR), media art installations. Along with the production of a short virtual, alternate, or fragmented reality experience and demo video, we will read assigned theoretical text exploring the concept of the flâneur, psychogeographic drifts, theory of the dérive, affordances and limitations of interactive narratives, parallel universes, fragmentation of time and space. We will also explore seminal pieces (site-specific and location-based art, performance pieces, walks, music videos, collaborative games, alternate reality film promotion campaigns). Class participants will respond to the readings with written questions/answers. Participants will also make presentations about assigned artifacts.

Teaching Method

Class participation, hands on assignments that combine technical instruction and artistic expression, developing discussion questions in response to short readings

Class Materials (Required)

All readings will be available online via CANVAS.

Class Notes

All films will be shown in class and will be available for viewing online via CANVAS.

Associated Classes

LAB - Louis Hall 118: Fri 12:00PM - 2:50PM