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Electrophysiology of the Human Auditory System (425-0-20)


Jason Tait Sanchez

Meeting Info

2315 Campus Dr Clinic 1630: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological bases of human auditory evoked responses; administration and interpretation of the procedures used in evoked response testing; and relationship between pathophysiology and evoked response results. Hands-on laboratory experience.

Registration Requirements

The only undergrads that will be allowed to register are CSD juniors and seniors if they have taken CSD 310/410.

Learning Objectives

Course learning objectives are linked to specific Knowledge and Skills Acquisition (KASA) competencies in the summary table below. At the conclusion of this class, students who read the required materials, attend lectures and labs, complete assignments, and study for examinations will be able to:

Objective: Perform electrodiagnostic test procedures
Assessment: Labs, Exams, Assignments
Assessment Criteria: 90% of students will achieve a "B" or better on related test questions and case studies
KASA Standard: D8

Objective: Interpret results of the evaluation to establish type and severity of disorder
Assessment: Labs, Exams, Assignments
Assessment Criteria: 90% of students will achieve a "B" or better on related test questions
KASA Standard: D12

Objective: Generate recommendations and referrals resulting from the evaluation process
Assessment: Labs, Exams, Assignments
Assessment Criteria: 90% of students will achieve a "B" or better on related test questions
KASA Standard: D13

Objective: Use instrumentation according to manufacturer's specifications and recommendations
Assessment: Labs, Exams, Assignments
Assessment Criteria: 90% of students will achieve a "B" or better on related test questions
KASA Standard: D17

Evaluation Method

Attendance is required at all lectures. When possible, students should notify the instructor in advance if they are unable to attend a lecture. If missing a lecture is unavoidable, students will be responsible for all information that is missed. If an absence occurs on the day of an exam, a make-up exam will only be given if the instructor is notified two weeks prior to the absence. If an absence is due to a mandated religious observance, students must notify the instructor within the first two weeks of the quarter.

Lab Participation
Lab Assignments
Lab Presentations
Take Home Final

Class Materials (Required)

All materials are provided by the instructor and are available on Canvas

Class Materials (Suggested)


Class Notes

Through lecture-based classes and hands-on, clinically-focused laboratory assignments, students will learn how to evaluate the auditory system for hearing loss, retrocochlear disorders and auditory processing disorders using the appropriate electrophysiological test(s). Specifically, students will become familiar with the following clinical protocols: auditory brainstem responses including cABR, auditory steady-state responses, middle latency responses and the cortical P300 response. Students will also cover the central auditory system, auditory neurodevelopment, test analysis and interpretation.