Learning and Teaching with Technology (438-0-20)
Paula Kay Hooper
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall 101: Fri 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Teaching and Learning with Technology is a course designed to help teachers use empirical models to explore new technologies, evaluate their educational potential, and develop scenarios of use consistent with their teaching philosophy. The course starts with a reflection on the relationship between teaching philosophy and technology use. We will also explore children's everyday uses of technology. We then will take an in-depth look at three emerging technologies: personal broadcasting (e.g., blogs, podcasts), Wikipedia, and gaming. In each case, you will get extensive experience with the technology, examine empirical models that can be applied to the technologies, and reflect on how the technologies intersect with your teaching philosophy. The course also provides exposure to a variety of technologies that are common school settings.
Class Attributes
Attendance at 1st class mandatory