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Advanced Vocal Pedagogy (424-0-1)


Theresa A Hansen
MAB 711 Elgin Rd, Evanston IL
Please see faculty profiles

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 113: Tues 9:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

PURPOSES: -To give the student practical teaching experience -To build competency and confidence in their teaching abilities -Discussion of different vocal styles and production - To learn about a variety of pedagogical approaches to vocal technique -To learn critical listening skills necessary to assess beginner singers' strengths and needs -Learn to choose appropriate repertoire -To apply their basic knowledge of posture, breath management, resonance, registration and articulation to address technical issues with beginner students -To begin development of their own methodology and philosophy of teaching -To begin development of their own pedagogical language

Registration Requirements

The student must satisfy one of these prerequisites to register for this class:
-MM First Year Student has placed out of 423-0
-MM First Year Student has previously taken the 423-0 level class
-Undergraduate Student has previously taken the 323-0 level class

Learning Objectives

• Students will know how to apply knowledge of posture, breath management, resonance, registration and articulation to address technical issues with beginner students
• Students will gain critical listening skills necessary to assess beginner singers' strengths and needs
• Students will know what kinds of vocal exercises to use for which purposes
• Students will know how to make a simple syllabus
• Students will know where to look for appropriate repertoire
• Students will know where they can find resources to support their teaching

Teaching Method

• Students will teach a beginning voice student throughout the course
• Students will do 3 observations of Master Teachers
• Students will teach 2 in-class lessons and teach 4 lessons outside of class
• Students will record and self-evaluate lessons they teach
• Students will receive evaluations from the instructor
• Students will offer suggestions and observations to one another after in-class teaching sessions
• Students will keep a teaching log
• Students will do weekly readings
• Class discussions

Evaluation Method

• Short Assignments (Simple Syllabus, Student Assessment Sheet)
• Mini- Oral reports on articles from the Journal of Singing and Instructor's Library
• 3 Lesson Observations
• Uploaded Video Recording of teaching
• Lesson Log
• Self-Evaluation and Reflections

Class Materials (Required)

Ragan, K (2020). A Systematic Approach to Voice:The Art of Studio Application.
San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing $64.95
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-223-7

- Journal of Singing through NU Library Online access
- Instructor's Vocal Ped Studio Library

Class Materials (Suggested)

A Smartphone, tablet or computer to video record lessons.

Class Notes

Creativity and full class participation are expected.