Analysis of Popular Music (333-0-1)
Daniel T Shanahan
Meeting Info
RCMA Lower Level 113: Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
In this course, we will be analyzing the melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, formal, and timbral aspects of popular music, broadly defined. We will focus primarily on stylistic shifts since 2000, examining how "popular music" has changed this century, and how music theoretical and analytical frameworks might be applied in such a way that allow us to examine the music in such a way that it informs our own engagement with the genre.
Registration Requirements
This class is intended for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students.
Learning Objectives
Students will learn about the many approaches taken by scholars of popular music, and will be able to use these as a framework for their own analytical engagement with the genre.
Teaching Method
Class meetings will consist of presentations, discussions, and in-class activities.
Evaluation Method
There will be weekly assignments, as well as a final project consisting of a paper and a presentation.
Class Materials (Required)
All materials will be provided.
Class Attributes
SoComm Humanities/Fine Arts Distro Area