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World Music Pedagogy (326-0-1)


Stephanie Jean Gregoire

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 121: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This course is designed to explore the history, philosophy, and practical implementation of world music in music education settings. Students will discuss weekly readings on these topics, raising questions and making connections to their own areas of specialization. The course aims to develop in students a deeper understanding of the value of world music experiences in music education contexts and the ability to develop and implement world music activities in a variety of classroom settings.

Learning Objectives

1. Outline a rationale for the integration of global perspectives into music
teaching and learning, including the unique value and benefits attributed to
such practice.

2. Utilize appropriate and varied resources to design and implement lessons,
rehearsals, or units featuring diverse musical cultures.

Class Materials (Required)

Facing the Music by Huib Schippers - ISBN: 9780195379754 - $20

Routledge World Music Pedagogy Series (choose 1 of the listed volumes)

• Volume I: Early Childhood Education (Watts) - ISBN: 9781138038943 - $26
• Volume II: Elementary Music Education (Roberts & Beegle): ISBN: 9781138052796 - $26
• Volume IV: Instrumental Music Education (Montemayor, Coppola, & Mena) ISBN: 9781138041202 - $26
• Volume V: Choral Music Education (Bartolome) ISBN: 9781138058620 - $26

Class Attributes

SDG Quality Education