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Selected Topics (435-0-1)


Learning Processes in Music


Jennifer Ann Marie Blackwell
RCMA 4-141
Office Hours: by appointment

Meeting Info

RCMA 1-172: Tues 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

The central purpose of this course is to challenge students to consider how fundamental educational theories may be applicable to their work in music education. The course will include a survey of behaviorist, social cognitivist, developmental, and constructivist learning theories, as well as a variety of topics relevant to understanding human learning. The students will work to integrate music education research into their understanding and application of each topic.

Registration Requirements

Graduate-level Bienen students

Learning Objectives

The assignments in this course are designed to (a) develop knowledge of the theoretical, historical, pedagogical, and psychological foundations of music teaching and learning; (b) develop skills and knowledge concerning the fundamentals of research in the field of music education; and (c) provide opportunities to apply ideas to students' own teaching practices.

Teaching Method

Lecture and class discussion

Evaluation Method

Papers and assignments

Class Materials (Required)

Human Learning, 8th edition by Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis
ISBN13# 978-0134893662, $30/rent, $80/buy