Teaching Instrumental Music II (365-0-1)
Daniel Farris
Office Hours: E-mail instructor to arrange a meeting.
Director of Athletic Bands. Conductor, "Wildcat" Marching Band and Concert Band. Teaches courses in conducting and marching band techniques. Former Assistant Director of Bands and Marching Band Director, Illinois State University and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Former director and consultant, Walt Disney World Collegiate All-Star Band. Former teacher in Minnesota and Wisconsin public schools. Member, College Band Director National Association, National Band Association, International Association of Jazz Educators. Honorary member, Tau Beta Sigma/Kappa Kappa Psi.
Robert Gene Hasty
202-B Regenstein Hall, 60 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston IL
Associate director of orchestras. Conductor, Chamber Orchestra, Philharmonia, and Summer Orchestra. Teacher of graduate and undergraduate conducting courses. Teacher, adjudicator, clinician, violinist. Music Director, Merit Symphony Orchestra, Chicago, IL. Conductor, National High School Music Institute Orchestra. Former conductor, La Primavera Orchestra, Irvine Youth Symphony, Metropolis Youth Symphony. Former vice president of string education, Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association. Music researcher investigating critical listening while conducting; presented at the international meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Sciences of Music. Studied conducting with Victor Yampolsky and violin with Alice Schoenfeld.
Meeting Info
RCMA 1-168: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
The purpose of this Instrumental Music II class is to introduce you to the world of secondary level instrumental music in the public schools. You will learn about managing an instrumental music program and teaching students who are are enrolled in middle school and high school band and orchestra. Your weekly teaching activities will be supplemented by intensive in-class reflection and analysis in order to develop your skills as a successful music teacher in these settings. This course is paired with a weekly MERP (Mus Ed 314) experience in which you will have opportunities to practice your instrumental teaching skills.
Registration Requirements
Have taken Instrumental Music I and Basic Conducting
Teaching Method
Practicum, Lecture, discussion, seminar, and observation.
Class Materials (Required)
Transportation to off-site teaching practicum