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High Brass Class (235-0-1)


Aaron David Himes

Seth Michael Adams

Meeting Info

RCMA 1-176: Tues, Thurs 5:00PM - 5:50PM

Overview of class

This course introduces students to the techniques and pedagogies of high brass instruments, specifically trumpet and horn. Students will complete several performance assessments on both instruments and develop materials and pedagogical skills to aid in the teaching of the instruments to beginning and intermediate musicians. The pedagogy learned in this course will chiefly relate to teaching brass instruments to school-aged children and will primarily be explored through laboratory experiences, modeling, and peer teaching.

Registration Requirements

- Permission required for non-music majors

Learning Objectives

- Demonstrate fingerings for the practical range of each instrument
- Demonstrate the production and control of characteristic tone of each instrument
- Perform music at sight up to level of grade III difficulty
- Perform major scales in one octave through four sharps and four flats
- Perform a chromatic scale 1.5 octaves
- Perform prepared etudes on each instrument
- Demonstrate basic maintenance skills on each instrument
- Explain the principles of tone generation and control for each instrument
- Explain the interval of transposition for each instrument
- Explain the mechanics of each instrument
- Teach a beginning lesson to a novice
- Prepare a graded list of significant works and performer-models for each instrument
- Demonstrate functional arranging skills and content knowledge by arranging/composing an etude and small ensemble piece for each instrument

Teaching Method

- In-class playing
- Lecture
- Readings
- Peer-teaching
- Out-of-class practice

Evaluation Method

- Individual work (performance recordings, assignment submissions)
- Exams (Mid-term and Final)
- Teaching demonstrations

Class Materials (Required)

Vining, D., Sullivan, N., Dunn, S., Benton, R., and Lapins, A. (2020). Teaching Brass: A guide for students and teachers (2nd ed.). Mountain Peak Music. ISBN: 978-1-935510-31-4; Cost: $49.95

- Trumpet (provided by Bienen)
- Horn (provided by Bienen)