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Clinic Juvenile Justice Pre-Trial, Trial, Appeal and Post-Dispositional / Post-Conviction Advocacy (733-1)


Shobha L Mahadev
Bluhm Legal Clinic

Meeting Info

Rubloff Building 887: Wed 2:35PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

For the 2022-2023 academic year, as the pandemic rages on in ways that uniquely impact individuals in detention settings and who are incarcerated or facing incarceration, this clinic will continue to include advocacy in clemency proceedings, in addition to direct representation in a variety of criminal proceedings as provided in the course catalog description. Interested students can also gain policy experience by working with a broad coalition of lawyers and advocates to provide legal expertise and research to support efforts to end the practice of imposing extreme sentences on youth and by researching and drafting model policies on substantive areas of criminal law. The clinical professor works closely with each student to supervise, provide feedback, and model best practices in litigation, policy reform, and client representation.

Learning Objectives

Students can expect to develop many critical skills in this course that will prepare them for the practice of law, including interviewing, counseling, investigation, trial skills, legal research, negotiation, written and oral advocacy, client relations, and professionalism. Specific information regarding learning outcomes will be provided in the syllabus.

Teaching Method

Fieldwork primarily includes direct representation of system-involved youth and adults

Class Materials (Required)

The seminar component of this clinic will be held jointly with the Biehl/Flaum "Second Chances" clinic. Additionally, work in this clinic will be guided by Northwestern University and governmental policies related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Class Attributes

Satisfies Experiential Learning degree req
Satisfies Prof Writing degree req
Criminal Law and Procedure Practice Area
Civil Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: MSL Students are not eligible to enroll