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Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law (749-1)


Kyle Courtenay Velte

Meeting Info

McCormick 285 - Hoffman Hall: Fri 1:30PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Anticipated topics to be covered include the historical evolution of equal protection and due process rights and their contemporary manifestations; marriage equality and family law issues; public accommodations laws and religious exemption claims; LGBTQ rights in education (Title IX and First Amendment speech rights); trans and non-binary issues; and the intersection of reproductive rights and LGBTQ rights. We will examine these issues critically, including by addressing concerns over federalism, the democratic process, and the proper role of the courts.

Learning Objectives

(1) Learn the substantive law covered during the semester— the foundations of the law of sexuality and discrimination through consideration of the sources of and developments in the field—including the arguments that can be made under the constitution, statutes, and common law for LGBTQ equality, as well as the possible defenses to such claims; (2) understand how to use incremental case law developments to argue for extensions of the law; (3) be familiar with how social movements use law strategically to create equality change, and be able to think strategically about how to do so in new contexts; (4) recognize the diverse forms of power that affect and are expressed in the structure, content, and implementation of laws and legal systems; (5) develop critical thinking skills by assessing various types of readings and comparing them with one another in weekly class discussion and a research paper; (6) understand how to connect legal issues to complicated political and social issues.

Class Materials (Required)

Course materials will be posted on the online platform ChartaCourse.

Class Attributes

Offered every other year
Satisfies Research Writing degree req
Public Interest

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: MSL Students are not eligible to enroll