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Capstone: Embedded Reporting - Field Research Reporting (416-0-20)


Abigail M Foerstner

Meeting Info

Meets in Non-General PurposeRm: Tues 9:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

Health, Environment and Science Specialization Quarter 4 Immersion. Two units of credit. Medill's embedded reporting program builds on a track record of reporters joining NOAA and NASA storm chasers on the Great Plains, NOAA hurricane hunters in their P3 research plane, innovators who are bringing crops to drought-ridden areas with high-tech but affordable greenhouses, NIH brain researchers, marine biologists tagging sharks to map ocean climate change, scientists unraveling the bird kills on the Aleutian Islands and ecologists tracking everything from flood triggers to pollinators through the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. We are adding new domestic sites this year to this sampling of past sites. In working with our embedded reporting sponsors, we have produced multimedia stories from these science immersions for media partners such as National Geographic, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the Huffington Post, Undark, The New Scientist, Helix magazine and other media.  Students prepare for embedded reporting through the Advanced Science Reporting class in winter, a week of seminars at the start of spring quarter, four-five weeks embedded on-site with field and institute research teams, and four-five weeks producing in-depth multimedia stories that we pitch to major media. The embed involves on-site reporting as well.

Class Materials (Required)

No course materials need to be purchased - all research, seminar and background materials are provided on Canvas and through your individual hosting sites.  

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory