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News Gathering and Assessment (301-1-71)


Marda Dunsky

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room G-200: Mon, Wed 8:30AM - 9:45AM (AST)

Overview of class

Focuses on news gathering as the "science of verification," using multiple independent sources to find, confirm, check and report facts. You will scrutinize and evaluate publicly available documents, information obtained via social media, quantitative data, historical records, legal records, peer-reviewed research as well as information gathered from interviews. You will gather and verify information to produce new pieces of reporting as well as adding facts and context to existing reporting as part of ethical aggregation and curation. Students in this course should think of themselves as real reporters, working to produce real stories for a real online publication with a real audience. The best stories produced in this class may appear publicly. This course also aims to give you experiences that have an eye on the future of journalism. The stories and/or assignments of this class represent story archetypes (or story opportunities) that most media organizations consistently publish.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: JOUR 201-0

  • Open to sophomores, JOUR majors only

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Journalism Majors Sophomores only who have completed JOUR 201-0