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History, Ethics, Diversity, and Consultation in Clinical Psychology (420-0-1)


Alissa Levy Chung

Meeting Info

Swift Hall 231: Thurs 9:00AM - 11:50AM

Overview of class

This course has multiple goals that will be covered in separate modules that we will also weave together to look for bigger themes and connections. We will begin with a focus on ethics in psychology. This is a critical piece of what clinical psychologists do, whether in practice, in research, or in consultation. We will review the code of ethics and will have conversations about the many gray areas and the sometimes complex interplay between our ethical and our legal obligations. Will then move into consultation, covering the various roles one can take on as a clinical psychologist and the factors to consider. Our third topic will be the history of psychology, where our goal will be to understand and contextualize the history of our field. That means taking a full look at historical figures for their accomplishments and their shortcomings and the context in which their work took place that may have shaped their thinking. It also means delving further into some of the "hidden figures" in the field whose accomplishments may not be as well known because of the way that some voices have been amplified over others. Finally, we will discuss issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion both as it relates to ourselves and the people we work with (clients, colleagues, mentors, students).

Teaching Method

We will use required and recommended books, as well as articles that will be posted on Canvas. I will provide some background and structure for each session, but we will be using discussion as our primary learning format each class. That means that being on top of the readings will be critical for your learning and for the learning of your fellow students.

Evaluation Method

APA requires that you receive a separate grade for each of the HEDC components, so you will get an overall grade that includes discussion board participation and then also four separate grades for each component of the course. Discussion questions will be worth 10% of the overall grade, and then the components are as follows: Create a study guide for the ethics portion of the APA clinical psychology licensing exam (25%), Presentation on consultation topic (individuals, groups, organizations) 20%, Presentation on a figure from history of your choosing (20%), Personal identity reflection paper (25%).

Class Materials (Required)

Knapp, S. J., VandeCreek, L. D., & Fingerhut, R. (2017). Practical ethics for psychologists: A positive approach (third ed.). American Psychological Association. ISBN 978-1-4338-2745-7.

All other readings will be on Canvas.

Class Attributes

Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Student must be part of the Psychology PhD program to enroll.