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Philosophy of Language (353-0-20)


The Limits of Language


Peter Dwight van Elswyk

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 318: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

To speak a language is to have the ability to describe. But what is the limit of this ability? A recurring theme in the history of philosophy is that certain topics are beyond language. These topics are said to be ineffable because describing them is somehow beyond our ability. Examples of such topics include God, sensory experience, and nothingness. In this class, we will focus on understanding how a topic could be ineffable. To do so, we will read both historical philosophy from Eastern and Western traditions and contemporary work from both analytic philosophy and linguistics.

Instructor consent only.

Learning Objectives

Compare motivations for thinking language is limited, hypothesize how language could be limited.

Class Materials (Required)

All class materials will be available on Canvas at NO cost to the student.