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Hebrew III: Topics in Hebrew Literature (216-2-1)


Hanna Tzuker Seltzer
Crowe 5-159
Office Hours: Mondays/Wednesdays 11:00am - 12:00pm, or by appt.
Hanna Tzuker Seltzer was born and raised in Jerusalem, where she also studied Film and Television. Her short narrative film was aired on Israeli TV and was awarded the Snunit Prize for emerging Israeli filmmakers. Prior to her PhD studies at the University of California Berkeley, she graduated summa cum laude from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, earning her BA in Hebrew Literature with Designated Emphasis in Creative Writing. Hanna also holds a certificate in teaching Hebrew as a Second Language from the Rothberg International School at the Hebrew University, where she taught in the Summer Ulpan. She has also taught at the Milah Ulpan in Jerusalem. During her doctoral studies at UC Berkeley (Ph.D., 2017, Jewish Studies), she taught courses in modern Hebrew language and Jewish Studies, earning UC Berkeley’s Outstanding Graduate Instructor Award. Hanna also studied Yiddish and examined its complex connection to Israeli history, literature, and culture.

Meeting Info

Kresge 4531 MENA Seminar Rm: Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

The topic of this class is Parents and Children in Israeli Society. In this class, we will dive into the universal topic of relationships between parents and children as it is reflected in Israeli society. We will examine this topic through the lens of various genres, such as short stories, blogs, films, parental guides and TV shows, and we will even taste a bit of creative writing. As we discuss the complexities and dilemmas of the relationships we encounter and ask ourselves if there is something like "Israeli parenthood" or "Israeli childhood", we will also pay close attention to the varied language levels and styles, grammar structures, and vocabulary.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: Hebrew 121-3 or instructor's consent.

Learning Objectives

When finishing this class, students will be able to use a specific vocabulary pertaining to family and feelings. Students will improve their speaking and writing skills in Hebrew, and they will obtain new grammar structures that were introduced to them throughout the course. Additionally, students will expand their knowledge of popular Israeli culture as they will be working with authentic and recent Israeli cultural materials.

Teaching Method

This is an interactive, reading and discussion-based class which required daily guided work as well as independent research. The course materials are presented online in a multisensory way through texts, pictures, graphics, audio, and video sequences.

Evaluation Method

Students will be evaluated on their class participation, preparation to class (completion of assignments given at the end of class as a basis to the next class), presentations, and final project (in lieu of final exam).

Class Materials (Required)

The materials will be provided by the instructor.

Class Notes

The materials and discussions will be in Hebrew, and the level of the course is intermediate high to advanced novice on the ACTFL scale.

Class Attributes

Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area