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Advanced Studies in Culture and Thought (395-0-20)


Reading Les Particules Elémentaires


Matthieu Dupas
1860 S. Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-139

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 3-410: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Michel Houellebecq's Les Particules élémentaires (1998) narrates the sexual misfortunes of Michel and Bruno, two brothers who embody the "suicide of the Western world" and prepare the advent of a neo-humanity produced by cloning. Can we make sense of this controversial novel without embracing its obviously reactionary ideological perspective on global history? This will be the purpose of the course where students will be invited to read Houellebecq's critically acclaimed best-seller from the viewpoint of gender and sexual politics, neo-liberal capitalism, science and religion, literature and pornography…

Learning Objectives

The goal of the course is to enhance students critical reading and writing ability; to strengthen their ability to set ideas and texts in conversation with each other; to develop a methodology for reading literature, theory and history, and finally, to be able to read, speak and write at advanced level in French about concepts, ideas and hypotheses.

Class Materials (Required)

Michel Houellbecq, Les Particules Elémentaires (1998).

Class Attributes

Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area