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Topics in Anthropology (490-0-21)


Anthropology of Food


Amanda Lee Logan
1812 Hinman Ave. Room 203
Prof. Amanda Logan's overarching goal is to connect the past to the present through reframing the kinds of questions we ask and empirically bridging the modern/premodern divide. Her current focus is building an archaeology of food security that traces how, where, and when chronic hunger emerged across the African continent.

Meeting Info

ANTHRO Sem Rm B07 - 1810 Hinmn: Wed 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Public and scholarly interests in food have grown exponentially in recent years, but the topic has been of interest to anthropologists since the inception of our discipline. This is not surprising, since four-subfield anthropology is uniquely positioned to address the complexity of factors that define and motivate food practices. Food is at once culturally defined, biologically necessary, and historically situated. In this class, we will explore how each of the four-subfields has approached food practices and how they change over time. The goal is to understand how the multi-faceted nature of foodways demands a non-disciplinary approach, and how we might better match our methods and writing styles to this subject of study.

Registration Requirements

Graduate students only.

Evaluation Method

Class participation, presentation, literature review

Class Materials (Required)

Any required reading will be made available on Canvas.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Graduate Students.