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Microeconomics (310-A-16)


Deepasriya Sampath-Kumar

Meeting Info

Wieboldt Hall 406: Thurs 6:15PM - 9:15PM

Overview of class

This course is concerned with the behavior of individual economic agents and their interactions. We will introduce the basics of microeconomic analysis and do a quick review of some basic economic concepts, study consumer behavior and market demand by showing how a consumer may make optimal choices, how individual demands are formed, and how market demand can be derived, discuss the firm's technologies, production functions and production costs and lay the foundation for the study of behavior of firms under different forms of market structure. Topics in game theory and business strategies will be covered as well as topics of economic efficiency and public policy. We will also touch upon marginal analysis using deeper algebraic and mathematical techniques than used in introductory microeconomic courses.

Registration Requirements

ECON 202 and MATH 220

Class Materials (Required)

Confirm course texts and materials by contacting instructor or viewing course Canvas site or University bookstore website.

Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Applications, 12th Edition, Nicholson and Snyder, 2014. (NS)