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Performance, Sex, and Censorship (321-0-1)


Joshua Takano Chambers-Letson

Joshua Wade Rains

Meeting Info

AM Swift Krause Studio 103: Thurs 12:00PM - 2:50PM

Overview of class

A queer mix of a seminar, studio/performance art workshop, and research methods course, this course studies the underground histories of queer and trans art and performance. We will study and create art and performance, learning about a set of queer and trans of color artists, the sexual cultures and racial/colonial contexts that produced them, and the regimes of, censorship, regulation, and devaluation that their work confronts. The course will visit and conduct research in traditional and queer archives and museum spaces (including the Block, NU special collections, and Chicago's Leather Archive and Museum) and students will develop their own creative practice as a method of research. Final projects may take the form of traditional scholarly research, experimental writing, or creative practice/performance. No prerequisites.

Class Attributes

Historical Studies Distro Area