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Cultural Nonprofit Organizations (555-0-1)


Larissa Buchholz

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 3417: Wed 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Cultural institutions play a unique role in our society and are more important than ever. But they, alongside individual artists, are facing increasing pressure and are being asked to do more with less. This course introduces students to the non-profit cultural landscape and will explore strategic decisions with which cultural nonprofit leaders must grapple, particularly during this contemporary moment. The course begins with an overview of the nonprofit sector and the primary leadership roles. Students will learn about the fiduciary and normative roles of board members and the typical responsibilities of chief executives and artistic directors. Students will then gain an understanding of the funding landscape for non-profit cultural organizations and several key management challenges that are unique to the cultural nonprofit sector through case studies, hands on experience, and discussion.

Class Materials (Required)

Boyle-Clapp, Brown, and Gard; Fundamentals of Arts Management; Sixth Edition, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (ISBN: 978-0-945464-16-7)