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Topics in Communication Studies (395-0-20)


Environmental Art and Advocacy


Robert Donald Hariman
2240 Campus Dr. Rm 2-231 Frances Searle Building

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 2378: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

This course examines the use of visual and media arts for public advocacy regarding environmental concerns. Primary attention is given to photography, as that work is used in many other media, but we also can consider video, film, exhibitions, installations, performances, interactive media, and other arts, platforms, or projects. Environmental issues can include global warming, pollution, animal protection, water preservation, public health, and environmental justice, among others. Students will work individually and together on representative or innovative projects in environmental advocacy.

Class Materials (Required)

Pezzullo and Cox, Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere

Class Attributes

SDG Responsible Consumption
SDG Climate Action
SDG Peace & Justice
SDG Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG Decent Work & Economic Growth