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Research and Analysis II: Research Methodology and Data Collection (407-0-20)


Ellen Suzanne Meents-DeCaigny

Amit N Prachand

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G02: Thurs 6:00PM - 8:30PM

Overview of class

The central goal of the Master's Project sequence (MSHE 406, MSHE 407, and MSHE 408) is to develop research skills that you can incorporate into your practice throughout your career, as well as to expose you to existing knowledge in the field. The coursework is intended to support you through readings, large-group discussions, and analyses that inform us about practitioner research and inquiry. The courses are also designed to support your research through smaller instructor research groups and other experts in assessment, who will provide more in-depth opportunities for discussion, analysis, and feedback as you continue your own project. In general, students will use the instructors, peers, and other practitioner/research experts for the duration of the Master's Project sequence.

In the second course of the three-course Master's Project sequence (MSHE 407) students will learn skills and techniques for collecting original data. Data collection methods include surveys, interviews, observation, and artifact/archival analysis. Students will then create a data collection plan and begin to gather data.

Class Materials (Required)

Same materials as MSHE 406:

Creswell, J. W., & Guetterman, T. C. (2019). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative and Research. (6th Ed.) New York, NY: Pearson.

Jones, S. R., Torres, V., & Arminio, J. (2022). Negotiating the complexities of qualitative research in higher education: essential elements and issues. (3rd ed.). New York: Taylor & Francis.

American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual for the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Class Attributes

Department Majors Only

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for MS_HE Only