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Cello and Double Bass Pedagogy II (316-2-1)


Cornelia Watkins Dyer

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 121: Fri 10:00AM - 11:50AM

Learning Objectives

To sequence advancing instrumental skills for intermediate cellists and bassists, while incorporating a comprehensive approach that includes concepts such as basic music theory and history, nurturing musicality, teaching independent practice skills. Students will also learn practical approaches to setting up and running their own independent teaching studio.

Teaching Method

Each class is devoted the examination of a particular teaching topic and time is provided to plan and apply sequenced approaches to more advanced instrumental techniques and musicianship concepts. Outside of class, students will do light reading for class discussion, and observe and analyze the approach and techniques of experienced teachers. In lieu of a final exam, students will develop, assemble, and present a selection of materials useful to a establishing one's self as a professional teacher.

Evaluation Method

Class attendance, participation, and assignment completion count toward final grade; final project is self-graded. Student effort, engagement, and participation are prioritized over teaching expertise.

Class Materials (Required)

Required class materials Watkins, C. & Scott, L. From the Stage to the Studio: How Fine Musicians Become Great Teachers. 2012: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 978-0-19-974051-2