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Seminar in Music Theory (550-0-1)


Tonality/Harmony: Analysis/Cognition


Richard D Ashley
Office Hours: W 10-11 and by appt.
Professor, music theory and cognition program. Research and publications in music cognition focusing on expressive performance, musical communication, and long-term memory for music. President, Society for Music Perception and Cognition. Member, editorial board, Music Perception. Recipient of two Fulbright grants for research in the Netherlands and grants from National Endowment for the Humanities and U.S. Department of Education. Recipient, Bienen School of Music Exemplar in Teaching Award. Also teaches in the cognitive science program.

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 113: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Registration Requirements

For PhD students in music theory and other advanced students. Permission of instructor required.

Learning Objectives

Understand formal models of tonality and harmony. Apply these to an area of the student's emphasis. Knowledge of primary sources on tonality and harmony, 1983-present.

Teaching Method

Some lecture but mostly discussion of readings.

Evaluation Method

Grades will be given on the following basis:
Daily assignments ………………......50%
Class participation.......................10%
Final project................................40%

Class Materials (Required)

Fred Lerdahl, Tonal Pitch Space. $46.67 from Amazon