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Interdisciplinary Product Design Projects II (384-2-20)


Stacy Benjamin

John Christopher Anderson
Ford G-309
Office Hours: By appointment

Meeting Info

Ford Eng Design Cntr G-201: Mon 9:00AM - 11:50AM

Overview of class

In the DSGN 384-1,2 course sequence, students work in teams on interdisciplinary projects in a learn-by-doing format. Each team works on one project across both quarters, for 20 weeks. The first quarter emphasizes project research, concept development, and professional communication, and it includes lectures on advanced topics in design. The quarter culminates in a conceptual design and a design review. The second quarter focuses on project implementation and continued professional communication.

The projects focus on the engineering side of design. While users are still a consideration, they are not the primary focus as in the Design Thinking and Communication (DTC) sequence. Students are expected to apply the discipline-specific knowledge from their upper-level engineering courses.

Registration Requirements

Enrollment restricted to junior and senior level students. Instructor consent required.

Pre Reqs: DSGN 384-1

Class Attributes

SDG Innovation & Infrastructure