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Audio Reporting (409-0-20)


Natalie Yvonne Moore

Meeting Info

303 E. Wacker Dr. 1623: Wed 6:00PM - 8:50PM

Overview of class

This class is designed to introduce you to audio journalism. Audio is a creative way to tell stories and the goal of this class is to get you comfortable with the medium. These days radio is on demand -- you can listen via podcast and online. It's not just for your car or alarm clocks. The audience is expanding, and even legacy media are incorporating audio journalism on their websites. You will learn how to plan, record, edit and mix audio. You will produce at least one news spot and an audio news feature.

Class Materials (Required)


Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Only students in the MSJ program may enroll in these classes