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Topics in Israel Studies (280-7-1)


Israeli Society and Israeli Sociology


Omri Tubi
Omri Tubi is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology. Born and raised in Israel, he recieved a B.A. in sociology and history and an M.A. in sociology before coming to the US for graduate school. He is currently finishing his dissertation on the relationship between public health campaigns and state formation in Palestine and Israel, 1920-1960.

Meeting Info

Harris Hall L05: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This course examines the relationship between knowledge production, history, and politics by focusing on the discipline of sociology in Israel. We will begin with a brief introduction in which we will discuss what is sociology, as well as the politics of scientific (i.e., sociological) knowledge production. We will then read and discuss the works of selected authors ranging from Jewish-Zionist proto-sociologists that published their works before the establishment of the State of Israel; to the works of early Israeli sociologists and so-called "establishment" sociology; to the later rise of critical approaches. Thoughtfully engaging with these works, we will ask questions such as: What are the main problems with which these thinkers/sociologists grappled and how did they approach them? How did these sociologists conceive of their nation and state? How did they think Israeli society should be compared to other societies? And what, according to these scholars, is Zionism's/Israel's relationship with the Palestinians? As we engage with these questions, students will gain substantive knowledge of Israeli society and develop critical thinking and reading skills.

Learning Objectives

Students should expect to: develop portable critical thinking and reading skills; gain substantive knowledge of selected issues and problems confronting Israeli society; gain insights into the politics and background of scientific knowledge production; gain insight about the historical development of an academic discipline.

Class Materials (Required)

Materials will be provided by the instructor.