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Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies (490-0-20)


Sociology of Sexuality


Hector G Carrillo
1808 Chicago Ave, Room 101
Office Hours: Th 10:30-11:30

Meeting Info

Parkes Hall 222: Wed 9:30AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This graduate seminar asks the following questions: What do we learn about society by studying sexuality? What do we learn about sexuality by studying society? We will focus on sociological approaches to studying sexuality and link sexuality studies to broader sociological questions about culture, social interaction, social inequality, globalization, social movements, science, health, and public policy. We will explore various theoretical and methodological approaches that have been used in sociological studies of sexuality—including those that guide sexuality-related analyses of meanings and identities, practices and behaviors, politics, power, relationships, population movement, collective identities and social movements, and morality and social control.

Teaching Method

Graduate seminar

Evaluation Method

Participation and term paper

Class Materials (Required)

I make most readings available on Canvas. The last time students had to buy 4 books: Carrillo, "Pathways of Desire"; Hoang, "Dealing in Desire"; Ghaziani, "There Goes the Gayborhood?"; and Foucault, "History of Sexuality vol 1." I don't know yet whether I will assign the exact same books.