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Expository Writing (105-0-21)


Food & its Literatures


Alexandra Danielle Ibarra

Meeting Info

University Hall 218: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Our daily life is embroiled in food writing: from the New York Times restaurant reviews and Mary Berry's cookbooks to TikTok recipes and candy bar wrappers! In this course, we will think with our stomachs as we explore a variety of food genres like recipes, memoirs, short stories, reviews, political pamphlets, and academic writing to learn how to evaluate and emulate effective prose across styles and disciplines. As we read, write, and eat, we'll consider questions like: What is the relationship between the food and the writing that we consume? How are changing foodways played out in food writing? How and why has food been a site of political organizing over the years? This course is designed to use the many modes of food writing as a base to develop critical reading, writing, and research skills, so you can thrive in any writing environment.

Learning Objectives

Through our collective discussions, workshops, and drafts, you will develop the skills to…

1. Evaluate writing from various genres productively and constructively
2. Craft an argument and shape an essay (or other text) around it
3. Find, incorporate, and cite evidence effectively
4. Sharpen and clarify your own writing voice and style