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First-Year Seminar (101-6-21)


Masks & Artifacts: Approaches to Writing About the


Averill A Curdy

Meeting Info

University Hall 318: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Just as it can be easier to view a star by looking slightly to one side of it, writers for centuries have achieved greater clarity by approaching the complexities of the self through indirection—telling the truth, but telling it slant, as Emily Dickinson wrote. In this creative reading and creative writing class, students will be introduced to a diverse set of contemporary writers who find both freedom and authenticity in the use of personae, emblems, and ekphrasis. Weekly writing prompts inspired by our readings will enable students to engage more deeply with the nuanced truths of the self by exploring these strategies of indirection in their own creative writing (poetry or prose), leading ultimately to a short final portfolio of polished work.

Teaching Method

Interactive lectures, writing workshops, small group discussions.

Evaluation Method

Reading journal, including weekly short critical or creative writing assignments
Final portfolio of creative work in prose, poetry, or a combination of the two, selected, developed, and revised from journal entries.
One short 5-7 page analytical essay on assigned reading(s).
Class participation, weekly Canvas postings, peer critiques.
No final exam.

Class Materials (Required)

Course Reader, posted on Canvas. Hard copies available for purchase at Quartet Copies, 825 Clark Street in Evanson

Class Attributes

WCAS First-Year Seminar

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for First Year & Sophomore only
Add Consent: Department Consent Required
Drop Consent: Department Consent Required