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Writers' Studies in Literature (403-0-20)


How to Work


William Reginald Gibbons Jr
University Hall 215

Meeting Info

University Hall 018 English: Mon 10:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

This course aims to study the contexts and processes of creative writing. Our readings will be multi-genre texts of many sorts that enact or think or imply something about how what we are writing develops out of—and develops in various ways—our social formation, our intellectual curiosity, our psychic processes, our emotional investments, our sense of language, our artistic possibilities, and much more. Our course readings will greatly broaden our sense of how other writers have used their materials and abilities. Some of our readings will also provide us with models of such use; we can use these to advance our own work and our own sense of what our work is. And also, we'll see in many of our readings how our complexity as individuals results in an enormous range of structures, stances, and processes of writing. From our discussions of the course readings, we'll draw methods and stances that will allow us to think about (and perhaps sketch) new possible projects and new ways of working on our present projects.

Teaching Method

This is a seminar-style course.