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Critical Topics in Ecology and Conservation (339-0-20)


Jeremie B Fant
Hogan Hall, Room 6-140B
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 10-4

Rebecca Samantha Barak

Meeting Info

Technological Institute A110: Tues, Thurs 9:10AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This course will provide students with the conceptual and theoretical framework within the field of plant ecology (especially plant biology) and conservation. This seminar-style class is based on reading and discussion of historical and contemporary primary literature. It will provide you with the opportunity to think critically and discuss your thoughts within a structured yet informal setting and will provide them with a basic background in reading and writing scientific papers. This course is designed to help you: 1. Read and discuss primary literature critically. 2. Learn important skills for writing scientific papers. 3. Become comfortable presenting and discussing papers with your peers. 4. Become more familiar with topics in Plant Science and Conservation. 5. Write a critical review of a manuscript written by a colleague. 6. Write a review paper on the topic of your choosing.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 203-0 or BIOL_SCI 215-0 or ENVR_SCI 202-0 to register for this course.

Class Attributes

Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: BIOL_SCI 203-0 or BIOL_SCI 215-0 or ENVR_SCI 202-0, and MATH 218-3 or MATH 220-2.