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Reporting & Producing Social Media Video (323-0-21)


Craig Weldon Duff

Meeting Info

McCormick Foundation Ctr 4115: Tues 1:00PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

This class is about the things in your social media timelines that move and make noise—the news clips, explainers and engaging video stories that populate the various social media platforms (including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter). But it's also about the trends, algorithms and business models behind those posts. In this course, we'll look at the top innovators of this genre—including AJ+, NowThis, NBC, Bloomberg, Vox and others—and learn the best practices for social media video reporting. And we'll learn by creating work: A key component of this course is to develop skills in the tools used to tell these stories - primarily by learning the applications in Adobe Creative Cloud, including PhotoShop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro and After Effects. The class is a combination of lecture/instruction, guests from major social media video news organizations, practice exercises and two story assignments. And it will also feature a short out-of-town trip to New York City (though the location may change) where we'll meet innovators and producers doing work in the genre, and also do some practical field and reporting work.

Registration Requirements

Sophomore standing

Class Materials (Required)


Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Medill Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors