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NUVention Innovation Project (435-0-20)




Hayes Ferguson

Tran Ngoc Ha

Jeremy D Gilbert

Meeting Info

Ford Hive Rm 2350: Wed 1:00PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

Brings together students from across Northwestern schools who are interested in the future of media and want to learn a process for creating new ventures in the media industry, broadly considered. In this class, the instructors will assign student teams a problem space to engage with over the course of the quarter, which will anchor team projects. Along the way, students will learn a process of innovation and venture development that can be applied in multiple contexts, and will have the opportunity to engage with industry veterans who may provide feedback on their projects. The quarter will culminate in a final pitch event.

Class Materials (Required)

"Just Enough Research" by Erika Hall:
$29 paperback, $19 e-book

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory