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Journalism Methods (400-1-21)


Michael Anthony Deas

Meeting Info

303 E. Wacker Dr. 1602 Control: Tues 9:00AM - 11:50AM
303 E. Wacker Dr. 1602 Control: Thurs 9:00AM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

This course provides rigorous grounding in the foundations of reporting and writing news stories that will serve students well, regardless of their future career plans. The fundamental lessons include understanding what news is; finding news stories and sources; interviewing effectively and efficiently; researching stories; verifying facts; writing clean, straightforward news stories with impact; and conducting oneself ethically and professionally. Story assignments will range from short in-class exercises and stories written on tight deadlines, to common types of stories on a beat, or subject area, in a neighborhood or community. Students will work with an instructor whose background is a blend of newsroom and classroom experience. They will leave the class with skills and confidence to talk to anyone and mine them for information that will lead to engaging stories.

Class Materials (Required)

A subscription to the Associated Press Stylebook online, which has an excellent search function and is continuously updated. A mobile app makes the stylebook easily accessible on your phone or other device. You will need this account/app throughout your time at Medill. The cost is $27 for the year.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory